strategy • design
dutchmoney [ hearts ] you


Welcome to dutchmoney. We love that you're here.

dutchmoney loves [your thing] — and we haven't even met it yet!

We make it our business to thoroughly understand your audience and to create engagement. We know the importance of precise execution over myriad media disciplines. Perhaps most important, we deliver results.

We love what we're calling "Hive Campaigns" where groups of people intensely engage with [your thing]. We also love great design, social media, mobile technology and platforms for collaboration and gaming.

No matter your particular need, if it involves making the world love [your thing] we can do it better by doing the things we love to do. And we believe in measuring our achievement — scientifically.

dutchmoney wants us to be in this together — and for the long haul. Long term relationships make for better projects and deliver better results. We'll always do whatever it takes to keep you sweet on us.

Let's get together and work as partners in developing a strategy that's uniquely suited to [your thing].

Your pals at dutchmoney

email: [info@dutchmoney.com]
newport, ri: 401 367-4936
los angeles, ca: 323 545-6498

We love that you're here. dutch­money loves [your thing] — and we haven't even met it yet! We make it our busi­ness to tho­rough­ly under­stand your audi­ence and to create engage­ment. We know the import­ance of pre­cise execut­ion over myriad media discip­lines. Per­haps most import­ant, we de­liver results. We love what we're calling "Hive Camp­aigns" where groups of people in­tense­ly en­gage with [your thing], we also love great design, social media, mo­bile tech­nology and plat­forms for collab­orat­ion and ga­ming. No matter your partic­ular need, if it in­volves mak­ing the world love [your thing] we can do it better by doing the things we love to do. And we be­lieve in mea­sur­ing our ach­ieve­ment — scien­tific­ally. dutch­money wants us to be in this to­gether — and for the long haul. Long term re­lation­ships make for better pro­jects and de­liver better results. We'll always do what­ever it takes to keep you sweet on us. Let's get to­gether and work as part­ners in de­velop­ing a strat­egy that's uniq­uely suited to [your thing]. Your pals at dutch­money
We love that you're here. dutch­money loves [your thing] — and we haven't even met it yet! We make it our busi­ness to tho­rough­ly under­stand your audi­ence and to create engage­ment. We know the import­ance of pre­cise execut­ion over myriad media discip­lines. Per­haps most import­ant, we de­liver results. We love what we're calling "Hive Camp­aigns" where groups of people in­tense­ly en­gage with [your thing], we also love great design, social media, mo­bile tech­nology and plat­forms for collab­orat­ion and ga­ming. No matter your partic­ular need, if it in­volves mak­ing the world love [your thing] we can do it better by doing the things we love to do. And we be­lieve in mea­sur­ing our ach­ieve­ment — scien­tific­ally. dutch­money wants us to be in this to­gether — and for the long haul. Long term re­lation­ships make for better pro­jects and de­liver better results. We'll always do what­ever it takes to keep you sweet on us. Let's get to­gether and work as part­ners in de­velop­ing a strat­egy that's uniq­uely suited to [your thing]. Your pals at dutch­money